A. Promoter
Schiaffo LLC (the “
Promoter”). [ Note: This LLC is the entity doing business as
Power Slap]
B. Matches & Participants
Power Slap matches (each a “Match”) consist of two unarmed combatants. Each combatant participates as a Striker and a Defender one time in each round (each a “Participant”). The Promoter determines the number of rounds per Match, but no Match may exceed ten (10) rounds.
Participants must be at least 18 years of age.
The Promoter may permit Participants to have cornermen or coaches during the Match.
C. Participant Weight Classes
Power Slap weight classes are the same as set forth in the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. Catch weight Matches are permitted. Participants must weigh-in prior to the Match. Any Participant who does not weigh-in within the weight class limit by the weigh-in deadline set by Promoter, will forfeit 20% of their purse to their opponent on the first offense, and 30% of their purse to their opponent for each additional offense thereafter.
The Promoter has the sole discretion to determine Participant compensation, championship and title structure, rankings and performance bonuses, if any.
D. Participant Equipment & Appearance
All Participants must wear a mouth guard and cotton ear wicks. No Participant will be permitted to participate in a Match if he or she refuses to wear the requisite safety commitment.
No body grease, gels, balms, lotions oils, or other substances may be applied to the hair, face or body by the Participant. This includes the use of excessive amounts of water.
However, petroleum jelly may be applied solely by an authorized cutman if the cutman or supervising physician determines that it is necessary for the safety of the Participant.
No head, facial, neck, arm, hand or finger jewelry of any kind is permitted. Fingernails must be cut below the fingertips and must be rounded without any sharp edges. Hair must be pulled back such that it is not in the Permitted Target Area. Beards (or other facial hair) are permitted.
No head gear or hats are permitted. Additionally, no equipment is permitted on the hands, arms or shoulders (such as braces or wraps). Promoter may permit the use of Promoter-approved unintrusive wrist or arm bands for purposes of collecting performance data.
Chalk provided by the Promoter may be used by Participants to put on their hands. Towels provided by the Promoter are permitted to be used by Participants and referees to wipe excess chalk from hands or face. Referees retain the discretion to determine when the use of chalk is excessive and should be reduced.
E. Round Timing/Pace
A coin toss (or other alternative method determined by the Promoter, such as seeding) determines which Participant is provided the option to elect to be the Striker or the Defender first in Round 1.
Round pacing is as follows:
- Prior to commencement of Round 1, the referee instructs both Participants to their designated blue and red corner boxes marked on the Power Slap Stage adjacent to the Power Slap Table.
- The referee instructs the Defender to take a Permitted Defensive Position.
- “Permitted Defensive Position” is:
- Standing parallel with the Power Slap Table, with shoulders square and feet grounded, facing the Striker.
- The Defender’s feet must be parallel to each other and within the designated boxes marked on the Power Slap Stage (with toes of each foot on one of the designated lines in the Defender box if such lines are provided by the Promoter).
- The Defender must hold the Power Slap Stick behind their back with both hands, with their arms extended towards the ground.
- The Defender’s chin must line up with the edge of the Power Slap Table on the Defender’s side.
- Shoulders must not be raised and head, neck and chin cannot be tucked into body
- Once the Defender is in a Permitted Defensive Position, the referee will signal the start of Round 1. Upon the referee’s signal, the Striker 30 second clock begins.
The Striker must complete a Permitted Slap to the Permitted Target Area compliant with the Wind-Up Rule within such 30 second period.
- “Permitted Slap” is a flat, open-handed strike of the palmar side of the hand to the Permitted Target Area. The entire striking of the fingers and palm above the wrist, must make contact and impact simultaneously, in the Permitted Target Area. Strikers may not lead impact with the carpal bones. The fingers may be in their natural open position or closed, and may contact anywhere on the Defender’s face or head as a natural extension of a Permitted Slap, other than to a facial orifice. The Striker must have two feet in contact with the ground through the completion of the Permitted Slap. The Striker’s feet must be parallel to the Power Slap Table and the Striker’s shoulders must be square to the Power
Slap Table and the Defender. Striker’s feet must be within the designated boxes marked on the Power Slap Stage (with toes of each foot on the same designated line within the Striker box, if such lines are provided by the Promoter).
The “Permitted Target Area” is the side of the Defender’s face consisting of the cheek, tracing from the jawline but excluding the chin (i.e., the area measured from the lips downward) and ear, to the height of the beginning of the eye, below and excluding the temple, then to the middle of the face on the outside of the eye and back to the starting point on the jawline only.
The “Wind-Up Rule”: Prior to completing the Permitted Slap, the Striker must elect (verbally and with hand signals and referee confirmation), the hand the Striker will use to strike and the number - 1, 2 or 3 - in which the strike will land. Each number has the following meaning: “1” means no wind-up. “2” means after the hand is lined up, 1 practice motion is taken, then a strike lands on 2. “3” means once the hand is lined up, 2 practice motions are taken, then a strike lands on 3. The hand may not make any substantial contact with the Defender’s body during the wind-ups (as determined by the referee) or it will be deemed to be the Striker’s strike for that round. The hand may touch the face for alignment purposes prior to any wind-up. Strikers may use either their left or right hand and may switch hands during the match.
- Once a Permitted Slap is completed within the 30-second Striker clock, the clock switches to a 30second Defender recovery clock. During this time, two actions must occur: (1) the Defender must return to the Defender box and (2) the Striker must return to the Striker box and set a Permitted Defensive Position to get ready for their next turn as Defender (substantially concurrently with the recovery of the current Defender and consistent with the referee’s instructions). Once those two such actions are completed, the Defender is now the Striker, and the Striker is now the Defender.
Knockdowns: If the Defender is knocked down (any part of the body makes contact with the ground other than the feet) and does not immediately return to his or her feet (i.e., a “flash knockdown”), the referee will conduct a verbal 10 count. During this 10 count, the Defender must rise to their feet and establish their fitness to continue as determined by the referee, and confirmed by the ringside physician. If they do not, the Striker wins the Match by knockout. A knockdown count does not stop or toll the Defender recovery clock.
• The Promoter may incorporate the following rule: If all of the following are true: (A) a Participant was the first Defender in Round 1 by virtue of a coin toss or other alternative method and did not otherwise voluntarily elect to be the first Defender, and (B) there is a technical knockout or knockout finish of such Participant in Round 1, then, once the referee declares the finish, a clock of two minutes begins. During this time, the Defender is given two minutes to recover, establish their fitness to continue as determined by the referee and cleared by the supervising physician and complete one Permitted Slap of their opponent. If the return strike results in a technical knockout or knockout of their opponent, the match is declared a Draw. If the return strike has any other result, then the Match result stands.
- The Defender recovery clock will then switch back to a 30-second Striker clock, repeating the actions contemplated by subsections 3 & 4 above. After each Participant has completed a turn as a Striker and Defender, the round is over, and the next round begins.
The Promoter retains the discretion to change the length of time for each clock referenced above, including for example, adding break time in between rounds (for example, without limitation, if open scoring is used).
F. Clock Tolling / Stoppages
Clock tolling / stoppages may occur under the following circumstances (1) a replay review or challenge (if either are implemented by Promoter) or (2) a supervising physician review (except during the Defender recovery period unless the supervising physician determines necessary to avoid undue injury to the Participant).
In the case of a Striker foul, there is a foul recovery clock for the Defender of two (2) minutes (but may be increased by the Promoter up to five (5) minutes).
G. Fouls
Defender Fouls:
- Flinching: Bodily or head movement that affects a strike and occurs after setting a defensive position (minor movements that do not affect a strike are not a flinch)
- Blocking: Tucking chin into neck, or raising shoulders or using any other method to block the strike
- If the Defender commits a flinching or blocking foul before a strike lands, causing the Striker to pause or abandon their strike, the Striker clock is reset, and the Striker can attempt another strike
- If the Defender commits a flinching or blocking foul and a strike lands, then the Striker is given the option to either (1) keep their Strike or (2) have the Striker clock reset, and attempt another strike in that round
- The first infraction also results in a warning; for subsequent infractions, the referee will deduct one point from the Defender in the applicable round (in addition to the consequences above)
- Delay of Match: Fails to set a Permitted Defensive Position within allotted time or otherwise takes another action to delay the match.
- Failure to follow referee instructions
- Use of abusive hate-based language
- For delay of match / failure to follow referee instructions / abusive hate-based language, the first infraction is a warning; any subsequent infraction can result in point deduction or disqualification (in the case of flagrant disregard for the rules or referee’s commands) as determined by the referee.
Striker Fouls:
- Illegal Wind-Up: A completed Strike or Wind-Up inconsistent with the number or hand declared by the Striker
- Clubbing: Any Strike other than a Permitted Slap to the Permitted Target Area.
- Stepping: One or both of the Striker's feet did not stay in contact with the grounded through the completion of the Strike, including pivoting on the ball of the foot. Minor heel lifts caused by the momentum of the Strike are not a stepping foul.
- First and second infractions: The above Striker fouls will result in the deduction of a point and the loss of value of the landed Strike for that round
- Third infraction: Upon accrual of a third of any combination of the above Striker Fouls, the offending Participant is automatically disqualified.
- Delay of Match: Striker fails to complete a strike within allotted time
- Failure to follow referee instructions
- Use of abusive hate-based language
- For delay of match / failure to follow referee instructions / abusive hate-based language, the first infraction is a warning; any subsequent infraction can result in point deduction or disqualification (in the case of flagrant disregard for the rules or referee’s commands) as determined by the referee.
H. Scoring
Matches are scored on a 10 point-must scoring system. Open scoring may be used if elected by Promoter. Criteria for determining points is (1) damage and effectiveness of the Striker and (2) reaction and recovery of the Defender. No criteria are weighed more than the other.
When, in the same round, a Participant lands a strike while committing an illegal wind-up, clubbing or stepping foul, and the opposing Participant completes a legal strike without fouling, the fouling Participant will lose such round by the score of 10-8. This is due to the loss of value of the landed illegal strike and the loss of a point for the intentional foul. If each Participant lands a strike while committing a Striker Foul in the same round, such round will be scored a 9-9 draw.
I. Decisions
- Points - if there is no finish, the Participant with the most points in the Match is declared the winner
- o May be unanimous, split decision, or a draw
- In the case of a draw in a title Match, the defending champion retains their title
- Knockout - The referee stops the Match after a Participant is knocked down and either (1) the Participant does not return to their feet within the 10 count or (2) the Participant returns to their feet, but does not establish their fitness to continue.
- Technical Knockout o The referee stops the Match after a determination (including in consultation with the supervising physician) that the Participant is not intelligently participating or does not have the ability to intelligently participate in the continuation of the Match (which can include failure to return to the Defender box after receiving a strike)
- Voluntary stoppage
- Medical stoppage not caused by foul
- No Contest o When a Match is prematurely stopped due to accidental injury or foul and less than a majority of the rounds have been completed.
- Technical Decision o When a Participant is prematurely stopped due to accidental injury or foul and at least a majority of the rounds have been completed, a technical decision will be awarded to the Participant who is ahead on the score cards at the time the Match is stopped.
- Disqualificationo Intentional foul or a series of reckless fouls, that result in the non-fouling Participant being declared unable to continue
- Striker fouls of Illegal Wind-Up, Clubbing or Stepping can result in a disqualification, even if such a foul was not intentional, if such foul adversely impacts (as reasonably determined by
the referee) the Participant who was fouled, and therefore inequitably affects such Participant if the Match were to continue
- Any other rules infraction described in these rules that can result in a disqualification o Referee retains the discretion to determine whether a Participant is intentionally acting in bad faith for purposes of receiving a win by disqualification, in which case a disqualification will not be awarded
J. Challenges / Replay Review
The Promoter retains the discretion to implement Participant (or corner’s) challenges and replay reviews. Promoter will determine all rules governing such challenges and replays and the scope thereof.
K. Referees / Judges
There will be three judges, two referees, and, if replay is in effect, one replay official for each Match. The primary referee is granted all authority over the Match, unless these Rules state that express authority is granted to the secondary referee or the replay official.
- The secondary referee’s sole authority is to call Stepping fouls and to assist in lower body positioning instructions (for example, setting a Permitted Defensive Position).
- The replay official’s sole authority is to review replays consistent with the Promoter’s rules and to determine whether clear and convincing evidence exists to overturn a specific determination made by the primary or secondary referee. The replay official may pause the Match at any time to review and/or deliver its determination of a replay decision.
L. Medicals
All Participants will submit the following pre-test medicals and cannot participate in a Match unless cleared by the supervising physician: (1) blood count and results of medical tests performed by a laboratory no earlier than 30 days before the athlete license is submitted and which shows that the Participant is not infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or the hepatitis virus; (2) physical exam by a licensed physician at least 7 days before the date of the first Match in which the Participant plans to compete in the calendar year for which the license is valid, (3) a dilated ophthalmologic eye examination at least 7 days before the date of the first Match in which the Participant plans to compete in the calendar year for which the license is valid, (4) a brain magnetic resonance imaging scan performed within the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which the applicable for a license is submitted and (5) a cerebral magnetic resonance angiography performed within the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which the applicable for a license is submitted. Female Participants must provide the results of an appropriate test, not later than 10 days before the date of the Match, demonstrating that they are not pregnant.
Promoter will ensure that the following safety protocols are in place: (i) supervising physician and one additional physician or licensed physician assistant, (ii) emergency medical technicians (3) & ambulances (3), (iii) a suture and (iv) at least one local hospital arrangement.
Participants may not compete in a Match unless:
- Six days have elapsed since his or her last Match if the Match was not more than three rounds
- Eight days have elapsed since his or her last Match if the Match lasted four to six rounds
- Ten days have elapsed since his or her last Match if the Match lasted seven or more rounds
M. Power Slap Stage and Power Slap Table
The Promoter retains discretion over the Power Slap Stage and Power Slap Table, provided that each shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Power Slap Stage: Surface of at least 15 feet by 15 feet, with padding that is at least 1 and 1/4 inches thick.
Power Slap Table: Diameter or width of at least 12 inches. Height may be adjustable based on Participant height.
N. Catchers
For each Match, “catchers” may be present on the Power Slap Stage. The authority of the catchers is to use efforts to limit the impact of a Participant’s head to the Power Slap Stage where feasible and to protect the participants from falling off the Power Slap Stage.
If a Participant falls off the Power Slap Stage, the Match clock will be paused for up to two (2) minutes, as determined by the primary referee and the supervising physician. If there is an injury that causes the Participant to be unable to continue in the Match, and the fall was caused by a strike, then the Match will be declared a TKO finish for the Striker.
O. Version of Rules
This is Version 1.01 of the Power Slap Rules. The Promoter retains the discretion to modify or amend these rules with the approval of the Commission (or if applicable, the Executive Director).
Main Event
SlapFIGHT Middleweight Championship
"Bayou Bastard" vs "Monkey Wrench"
Co Main Event
SlapFIGHT Vacant Light Heavyweight Championship
"DEMON" vs "Rocky" Moore
"the Cannon" vs "Outlaw"
"Raven" vs "the Crippler"
"Achilles" vs "Runt"
"Slim Reaper" vs "Biscuit"
On March 5th, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio, two of the world's best slap fighters faced off against each other at the Arnold Schwarzenegger sporting event, hosted by Logan Paul.
These 2 fighters, David Zales and Da Crazy Hawaiian (Koa) put on a great show for slap fans.
Both slap warriors gracefully took powerful shots in the first round. In the second round, Da Crazy Hawaiian gave Zales a slap that stunned him in a way that we've never seen him stunned before. Zales went "out" for a second and stumbled back so hard that it took 3 giant men to catch him so that he didn't fall on his ass.
Ultimately, David Zales won by way of knockout in the 3rd round, with Da Crazy Hawaiian slumping over onto the table before falling to the floor.
During the fight, Koa expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that all judges were from Poland and that there were no judges from the USA. We also found it weird that one of the guys catching Koa was celebrating at the same time.
Hmmm... I think we need a rematch!
PunchDown is now Slap Fighting Championship! They will be working alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Logan Paul, and Fanmio for their first major event together on March 5th in Columbus Ohio!!!
The event will be streamed worldwide on Logan's YouTube, his Facebook and on
This is a Quarterfinal match from the SlapFIGHT: REDEMPTION Light Heavyweight Tournament.
Revisiting a fight from 2019, featuring 'Zeus' vs '
Frank the Tank.'
This is a preliminary fight from our inaugural Heavyweight Tournament.
Commentary by JT Tilley.
This is a Quarterfinal bout from the SlapFIGHT: REDEMPTION, Light Heavyweight Tournament. Louisiana Native and SlapFIGHT Super Fan turned professional Slap Fighter, 'the Bayou Bastard,' faces professional Axe Thrower, 'Battle Axe,' from Nashville, Tennesee. The Winner Advances to the Semi Final.
Relive every moment from the Power Slap 1 Finale.
OK, so this one isn't really a slap fight, but we still thought it was pretty cool...
Larry Wheels recently got together with Da Crazy Hawaiian. And, Larry was man enough to take a slap from the Power Slap Champ.
We Love it!!!
Some of the hardest slaps and knockouts from PunchDown 5.
In the Punchdown 3 Final, the War from Warsaw, the Russian Vasily Kamotsky goes up against PunchDown 2 winner Dawid Zalewski from Poland.
The best knockouts and most dramatic moments from the first-ever Power Slap competition are revisited in one power-packed hour, one final look at the elite strikers who will compete in the championship fights at the live finale event in Las Vegas.
This crazy slap fight from was posted.
SlapFIGHT Light-Heavyweight & Middleweight Champion, 'Wolverine,' plans to keep his UNDISPUTED status when he faces the winner of the SlapFIGHT: REDEMPTION tournament winner and #1 Contender, 'White Simba,' in the Main Event of SlapFIGHT Championship: UNDISPUTED.
On April 24th, 2022, the Chin Check Slap Down Championship hosted their first event in Stockton, California.
The 3 slap fights were:
- Joshy Boy vs Kainoa (Winner)
- The Big Cracker vs Mana The Hawaiian Hitman (Winner)
- Steve O vs Micah (Winner)
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Logan Paul, together with Fanmio and PunchDown, are bringing you the premier of Slap Fighting Championship. Watch the adrenaline and intensity of one the most exciting new combat sports with 16 different matches including 3-time champion "Zaleś" Zalewski taking on the American slap fighting sensation, Da Crazy Hawaiian, Saturday, March 5, 2022.
Featured Fight from our first SlapFIGHT UK Event
SlapFIGHT: Juggernaut - Super Heavyweight Tourney
Frank the Tank, Highlander,
Solid Slug, Adam Shadows and Mills Ette battling it out in a single night tournament for the vacant Championship! This episode features the Semi Final and Final Round of competition.
Press Event to announce our thirteenth SlapFIGHT Event, 'TITANS CLASH.' This video presser from an undisclosed location includes all of your favorite American Slap Fighters in face offs with their August 27th opponents. Don't miss this incredible Underground Event, LIVE on FITE!
Another Fan Requested Top 10 List. SlapFIGHT CEO JT Tilley reacts to this fan-voted list of classic battles. Great behind the scenes info from Tilley,
Best actor nominee Will Smith appeared to slap presenter Chris Rock in the face with an open hand and shouted a vulgarity at the comedian for making a joke about his wife's appearance at the Oscars ceremony.